What advice would I give to youth who choose to light up?
My advice to youths about smoking is not to take it when your friends are threatening you. The other reason for not smoking is because you can end up dying or kill people around you by making them smell the smoke that you made. You may end up having lung cancer. Did you know that there are 4000 chemicals in cigarettes and did you know that there is 37000 Canadians die each year form smoking? Did you also know that there are 1.6 billion teenagers smoke every year?
If friends are peer pressuring you to smoke do not try it you will die. If you start to smoke you may eventually get addicted to it and it will be hard to stop smoking. If you see a cigarette package you will see warnings like if you smoke you will die and you will have lung cancer. Some cigarette packages show damaged lungs, mouth and heart. If you smoke you could be one of the 37000 Canadians that died. Friends and family would be disappointed at you and be sad because you die each year. Did you also know the money that you paid goes to the government?
By Veronica