Thursday, December 10, 2009

hi luara

I am at Hong Kong I was glad that i was home because the plane was a diseaster. I think that this is the worse trip to hong kong if you see this post i think i will be at japan i hope you a good christmas. I was wouldering is canada snow yet. please sent me a post thank you

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

my picture

I chose this picture because it looks very funny and it looks like the food are alive. It's a weird picture but it looks very hungry to me. So I hope that this picture would bring you all the happiness and hungriness.

My world entry

Welcome to my world. This is a world that you can say what ever you want. My day was a fantastic day because I had a very good lunch with my friends and had a great walk. Our teacher was teaching us boxing skill at school we were very happy that our teacher was so funny and happy.